
Thank you for Joining the TireDash Community!

Please remain respectful while using the platform! Please post clear and useful pictures. The more pictures you post the better your chances of selling your item. Enjoy learning about tires while you post and search for used tires.

When you place an ad, it will be automatically be placed under 2 sections. The first is the Classifieds section and the second will be the By Vehicle section. The difference is that under the by vehicle section a buyer can find your ad even if they do not know that your tires fit the car they drive because the search engine offers the possible sizes that fit there vehicle and in return your ad becomes visible at top level due to matching criteria. The same goes for when a buyer searches for your ad through the search classifieds section however in this section they cannot search by vehicle and must know the details of the tires they require.

What is TireDash?

TireDash classifieds & listings was created from users who always struggled to find used tires on other social or market type platforms. The issues were detail and searchability factors! Now, you can use TireDash to list your used tires the appropriate way with all important information regarding the Brand, Make & Model, loads, speed indicators and more.. including condition and usage measured the correct manner with an actual tire gauge that can be purchased anywhere tires and auto parts are sold. Finally, you can search for used tires by Year|Make|Model where this was not previously possible for second hand tires but only for new tire shopping.
We fixed that ! Like we fix cars and trucks. Yes, we are also auto repair technicians as well and don’t just build websites !

What if my vehicle has wider tires in the rear?

No problem! We got you covered with our extended Tire search tool with capabilities of providing results that show only the sizes you need and not all other sizes or “similar” sizes due to lack of powerful search means. Now you will only get results for the tire size you are actually looking for. Its exactly like how you would shop online for new tires, but this time for second hand products. If your car or truck carries different front and rear sizes you can now narrow down that search for the exact sizes front and back that would be required. The secret is how the platform tools were built focusing ONLY on tires allows the ability for a search to go more in dept as opposed to general searches provided on bigger community type platforms.

This applies to selling your second hand tires as well. Here at TireDash we believe that tires are the MOST important part of your vehicle keeping your car and the road connected. So, why not search for tires the right way and not just “wing it” all the time!

We also offer free assistance for questions and other important information you might need or require at the time of purchase and for this we have sales advisors ready to answer your emails before you post or purchase a second hand set of tires for your specific make and model.

How to use TireDash – can be used with or without an account – w/account provides all features.

  1. Create an account to have ability to post ads or contact sellers.
  2. Ads can be posted for free one at a time and will last 100 days + renewable option
  3. Ads can be searched for by using 1 of 2 methods 
    (3a) Use our detailed search tool under Classifieds and search for products this way – Search Options: By Size and/or By Location
    (3b) Use our detailed search tool under Search by vehicle just in case you do not know the tire size your vehicle requires – after slecting your vehicle from the drop down options you will be provided all possible fitment for your specific make and model.
  4. Sellers under the “Search By Vehicle” Section can be contacted directly through the messaging options located under the tabs on the actual product page named “Contact Seller” where here you can contact the seller and ask questions about the product. Once a message is sent out, it can be found under “Message Center” in upper navigation menu. Here you will find all your messages and other posters who you have contacted. When new messages are in your TireDash inbox, a Red alert will show across the top of the page regardless of the page your on to always now when you have a response for message.
  5. The same goes for sellers under the “Search Classifieds” Section but this time use the Contact Box next to the ad on the actual page the ad is listed on. This will not be in your “”Message Center” but in your inbox with the email you used to create your account.

TireDash Team

Have fun and contact us for any further information at > info@tiredash.ca

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